construction industry

Offsite Manufacturing & MMC: 3D v 2D – What lessons have we learnt?

The UK Government Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) champion led calls to ‘Modernise or Die’ in 2016 (Farmer) with many 2D and 3D solutions setting out to reduce construction time, overall costs and the carbon footprint whilst improving quality control and striving to double productivity. This fuelled increased efforts across the UK to adopt and […]

Offsite Manufacturing & MMC: 3D v 2D – What lessons have we learnt? Read More »

Scotland’s ‘Passivhaus Equivalent’ – is it the building performance ‘super power’ we need?

Scotland is leading the way with the introduction of Passivhaus (PH) equivalent legislation, announced in Jan 2023.     Described as ‘radical, ambitious, practical and forward-thinking’ if successful, could “future proof” homes, preventing retrofits.  Moreover this should upskill the construction sector and make Scotland’s new homes significantly more energy efficient.  But what are the implications to such

Scotland’s ‘Passivhaus Equivalent’ – is it the building performance ‘super power’ we need? Read More »

Home office to homes from offices – striking a quality balance?

With so many homes having a dedicated ‘office’ and more office buildings with plans to become converted to homes – the broader impact on town planning, urban economy and carbon footprint requires careful management.  There must be a consideration for quality construction in the conversion process to ensure a truly viable and attractive future format

Home office to homes from offices – striking a quality balance? Read More »

People Construction

With the Scottish Construction Industry said to be ‘on the cusp of a genuine change’ in terms of the well needed shedding of its old-fashioned image. Can this mean it will become a more attractive and viable career option for a new and diverse generation of workers, those needing flexible arrangements but also those with

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Construction WFH, is it Constructive?

Teams and Zoom quickly became most people’s everyday “normal”, accelerated from a small degree of flexible working in pre-pandemic times. Companies have more fully embraced the digital technology readily available and from the outside, it seemed an almost seamless transition – amazing how adaptable even the traditional construction industry can be when something becomes crucial

Construction WFH, is it Constructive? Read More »

It is not who you know ——– it is who you trust!

Many talented construction professionals and successful contractors are currently finding themselves in uncharted waters, looking quietly for new opportunities for themselves or strategic recruitment advice as heads of departments or businesses. Who you know well within your own network and connections are a good starting point to uncover information or opportunities.  However, when it comes

It is not who you know ——– it is who you trust! Read More »

Preconstruction Preconstruction Preconstruction

The only mantra that seems to currently matter …. Preconstruction, Preconstruction, Preconstruction. WHICH COMPANIES ARE  going to do well in these difficult times?  Only those with a well-oiled and appropriate preconstruction team will live to see another day and those who NAIL IT will LEAD the market coming out of this mess. Some may think these times are a stark reminder of the last recession where pre-construction was

Preconstruction Preconstruction Preconstruction Read More »

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